Issue Position: Jobs Creation & The Economy

Issue Position

Across our great nation, millions of Americans have felt the unpleasant effects of this economy. Our friends and neighbors have become unemployed, underemployed, lost their homes and live in fear of the economic situation becoming worse. Merely surviving is not the American Dream. In order to begin the recovery process, we need to take action on job creation and promote growth. Small business truly is the backbone of the American economy, making up more than 99% of all employers and creating 75% percent of the net new jobs. Over 22 million small businesses in this country create more than 50 percent of the nonfarm private gross domestic product (GDP) and are located in every neighborhood. As your representative in Congress, I will advocate the following to help create jobs and heal the economy:

Regulatory reform to help cut through the bureaucratic red tape that stifles small business start-up and growth

Tax cuts for small businesses that will enable them to grow and flourish.

Cut wasteful, duplicate spending with the reinvestment of these funds back into small business and innovative technology jobs.

Investment in environmental technology and tax incentives to promote manufacture of clean energy products here in America.

Putting Americans back to work by investing in the revitalization of infrastructure.

Closure of tax loopholes that allow corporations to hide profits outside of the country.

Tougher review and removal of tax incentives that encourage corporations who outsource American jobs overseas.
